Monday, June 16, 2008

Racing at Edgar Soto & Heading to Atlanta

This weekend was my team race in Nashville, TN.  My new friend Mande got to take me home until the next race.  She has been very good to me so far.  She lets me eat human food and drink my favorite water....Aqualibrium!

Yummy... This drink was called an iced latte.  Not sure what that was but whooooa was I energized!  All Strapped in and ready to go to Hotlanta.  

 My new friend Rickies.  Do cats and squirrels usually hang out together?

I slept great, woke up early and had another latte, this  And now I am ready to hit the streets with Mande.  We'll post more later.  


Jackie said...

Oh MedPlan squrriel, how you inspiried us to kick butt this weekend at Edgar Soto!!!!

Unknown said...

why don't you like me? what did i do to offend you?

Unknown said...

If i can be your friend, I"ll treat you and the other ATL MedPlan girls to dinner at the Treehouse.

Unknown said...

I like lattes too.

Unknown said...

If you'll be my friend, I'll help you with your bike handling skills.

mo--- said...

Lilith usually ignored Mr. Squirrel, unfortunately. sometimes she's just not very polite. I hope Rickie is a better friend!

Unknown said...

Mr. Squirrel is living the life of Riley with Mande. A huge improvement from his time with Terri spending day and night face down on the floorboard of her back seat. He even lost his left ear while in B'ham. Mande, please keep spoiling our good luck charm and continue to keep us updated on his adventures. I am laughing my ass off.