Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PC Beach or Bust!

After the taste of the Mazda Miata, I decided to take it on a road trip!  PC Beach baby!  Surely you have heard of it....Panama City??  I hear it's called the "Redneck Riveria".  And after buying this no good umbrella, I can see why.  I am SO sun burnt.  Maybe by tomorrow I'll be golden brown!  


Unknown said...

The beach seems like a perfect place to bury some acorns. Plenty of buckets and shovels to steal from little kids and other squirrels would never look for your stash in the sand. You are the first squirrel I have ever seen on the beach. AWESOME!

Unknown said...

how long are you staying? If you come back through Birmingham on Tuesday you can meet another one of our favorite squirrels!

Unknown said...

um...yea...uh...we really do more than drink beer and play with the squirrel...really...

Squirrel said...

I am back in Atlanta already. I took the photoshop express and was only there for the peak sun tanning hours.