Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning Everyone!  I didn't make it outside too long.  So primitive out there.  I am much happier with a nice pillow and no bugs.  Mande woke me early for another latte!!

This afternoon I heard her talking about a ride tonight, so I jumped into my kit and hoped she would let me ride.  Best way to see Atlanta is on a bike!
She had to end up wearing the kit, but she put me in her back pocket and we rode like the wind!  Thanks to Catherine, she pulled most of the way so the guys wouldn't catch up.  I kept a close eye out and called out pot holes and "car back".  
These are two of my new riding buddies.  Joe and Rich. 
Just Kidding!!!!  I wanted people to think I was road kill....I'm such a jokester!


mo--- said...

what's your favorite latte flavor, Mr. Squirrel? vanilla? hazelnut? plain? inquiring minds want to know...

Unknown said...

Mr. Squirrel! You had me scared there for a moment in that roadkill shot. Don't give me a heart attack!

When are you coming back to Birmingham?

Jackie said...

Does Mr. Squirrel have a day job? If he does, I want it too!!!!

Squirrel said...

Let me answer my fan mail...
1. I drink only straight-up non-fat lattes; no sugar, syrups, or splenda! I'm old school like that. And if you can add a little latte art, you will win my heart!
2. I don't know when I am coming back to Brimingham...I am having a pretty good time here in the ATL.
3. After being the master mind behind scrypton systems inc., he finally retired to a life of leisure.