Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dinner at Nancy G's!

I got to see some other cool Med Plan girls!!  I held a meeting about race strategy and they were all ears!  
After the meeting, I ate some sweeeeeet potato fries!
Drank a little beer.  (Val was shocked at how much I can drink)

And Stephanie took me for one heck of a ride in the parking lot.  Donuts and all!  


Unknown said...

WHAT the hell is going on....I am starting to get very jealous of Mr. Squirrel...he is having so much fun and is getting to do things and spend time with people I totally miss and would love to hang out with..including drinking beer!

Squirrel said...

Don't worry! There will be a race soon and we can all be together again! Until then, I have so much living to do!