Friday, June 20, 2008

A busy Friday so far!

Well I decided to wake up early today, at 9:30ish, and head over to Val's house for a latte.  She has a Francis Francis espresso maker and I was super psyched to learn how to tamp and all that good stuff.  She must be an early riser, because she was already at work!!  No answer at the door.  I am hoping for an invite sometime this weekend to play with the other squirrels in her yard and to also have a latte with her.  

After leaving Vals house, we drove to lunch at FIGO.  
Joe is so nice to me.  Fed me bread and bought my pelligrino orange drink!
And for the grand finale....A real live police chase complete with helicopter.  Awesome!  Police cars and Vans racing down Collier.  What a great day so far.  Tonight we are off to the Braves Game!  I'm bringing my mitt hoping to catch a foul ball and get Tim Hudson's autograph!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Squirrel - I am so sorry that I missed you! Yes, I am indeed an early riser so you have to come early to catch me. I am sorry that Terry didn't make your a latte (he's quite talented!). Please do come back any time and play with ALL the squirrels in my yard...just promise not to dig up my flowers like they do! :)