Thursday, June 19, 2008

Meeting more family members!

This is my new friend "cally berry".  She is Mande's dog and she loves squirrels.  I play jokes on her all day long and call out "squirrel" and she runs to the back door to look.  She doesn't know I'm a squirrel because I'm brown.  She even gives me sweet kisses like in this pic.  

We rode at the brewery with Mande's mom and some of her friends!  
I am learning a new trade while I am here.  Bike Mechanic.  
Lefty, Stephanie and Greg's dog, took me on a date to "Treehouse".  There were times when I thought he might have played a trick on me and actually wanted to eat me for dinner.  So I kept a close eye on him all night and he had to show me where his paws were at all times.  


Unknown said...

Too bad Molly from Kenda couldn't take to you Canada this weekend, they have HUGE trees with special Canadian acorns...

Squirrel said...

Molly! Are you hiding something from me? Are you going to Canada where the other brown squirrels live who could possibly be some cousins of mine?

mo--- said...

Greetings from Canada! It's true, because of 20 hours of sunlight a day, the acorns grow to be quite large. The squirrels are very helpful and they have a bit of an accent, eh. It's cute! I cannot say anymore about my mission, um, trip until I return.