Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Mind Sharpener!

Since it is Monday and we are all ready for the holiday weekend to be here, I thought I would try and give you guys a little puzzle to solve, "where's waldo" style, to keep your brains sharp! Try to find me in each of the pictures below and if you can tell me where I am, I'll personally give you free hula lessons.  

hint: I'm the one with the smallest eyes.

hint: I'm on a jett.

hint:  I could hang here all night!

This picture is dark...but I am in it with my friend Stephanie.  We were pointing out martian clouds and tug boats.  


mo--- said...

Mr. Squirrel, are you looking for a Peachtree Road Race number for Friday? If you are, let me know & I'll hook you up with one. I have connections. I realize that bikes are not involved, but it is a great way to see Atlanta with 50,000 of your closest friends.

cowgirl said...

Mr. Squirrel, will you come to Colorado and ride with me?

Squirrel said...

mo---yes I am looking for a number! Thank you for offering! I was planning on just following on the above ground cables, but actually being in the thick of it will be so much better! 50,000 squirrel fans!! I am so excited!

Squirrel said...

cowgirl...I would love to come to Colorado and ride with you! Just tell me when and I'm on the next greyhound!