Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Mind Sharpener!

Since it is Monday and we are all ready for the holiday weekend to be here, I thought I would try and give you guys a little puzzle to solve, "where's waldo" style, to keep your brains sharp! Try to find me in each of the pictures below and if you can tell me where I am, I'll personally give you free hula lessons.  

hint: I'm the one with the smallest eyes.

hint: I'm on a jett.

hint:  I could hang here all night!

This picture is dark...but I am in it with my friend Stephanie.  We were pointing out martian clouds and tug boats.  

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Luau'n Squirrel

I made myself this leis and asked Mande to pleeeease take me to a Hawaiian Luau.  And she delivered.  I was welcomed with open arms and even learned a little dance I can teach all you MedPlan girls next time we are all together again!!  

My arms don't move to the side, but I was still me.
I was whispering my number in her ear, she wants me to take her on a date later this week!!
This is my new friend, Gidget!  
There are very few squirrels I know that can hold sparklers and not totally freak out!  

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The life of a blogging squirrel is very busy.  I have been running around town with Mande helping her with all sorts of things.  But today, I am taking my camera on a photo safari around town.  I want to go see downtown and the tornado damage all my squirrel friends told me about.  I'll post more pictures later from my day. 

This was from the other night after the Braves game.  I got a lesson on all kinds of "Al" names, because we were at the "Albert".  

Raaaaaaaar.  Bear Squirrel.  I'm always smiling in all my pictures, I wanted to try and look mean....and tall.   

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Movie Night!

Road Trip!

Cally and I took a road trip to LaGrange to watch Joe race on Saturday.  We played car games the whole way.  I spy......A Hazmat

So we had to wait on the highway for about an hour for the cleanup crew to do their business. We missed the 3 p.m. race so Joe decided to race at 5...I'm sure he did that so I could see some racing.  I was really needing a fix.
I'm a source of great motivation while warming up.
Cally and I cheering on all the cyclists!  

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Braves Game!

Tonight I went to watch the Braves play the Mariners.  The Braves got killed, but the game was so much fun!  The security on the way in said he had never seen a squirrel come to the game before, said it was a first for him.  He searched me and everything, I felt so loved.  I even had my own seat and ticket, so they couldn't deny my entrance.  

Go Chipper!!
I tried to make friends with this guy, but he was busy rude.
Dippin Dots???  Ok...perfect size for me!
We left a little early, but watched some plays on this screen.  Complete strangers were taking pictures of me like I was a super model or something.  I love this city!!  

Friday, June 20, 2008

A busy Friday so far!

Well I decided to wake up early today, at 9:30ish, and head over to Val's house for a latte.  She has a Francis Francis espresso maker and I was super psyched to learn how to tamp and all that good stuff.  She must be an early riser, because she was already at work!!  No answer at the door.  I am hoping for an invite sometime this weekend to play with the other squirrels in her yard and to also have a latte with her.  

After leaving Vals house, we drove to lunch at FIGO.  
Joe is so nice to me.  Fed me bread and bought my pelligrino orange drink!
And for the grand finale....A real live police chase complete with helicopter.  Awesome!  Police cars and Vans racing down Collier.  What a great day so far.  Tonight we are off to the Braves Game!  I'm bringing my mitt hoping to catch a foul ball and get Tim Hudson's autograph!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Inman Park Pool Day....ok!

Today I went to the pool to learn to swim with my new friends David and Ryan.  It was such a nice day out I figured why do anything responsible.  I'm retired anyways!   

This looks weird....
I never knew this!!  Interesting.  
No Diving.....for humans maybe!!!!  

Meeting more family members!

This is my new friend "cally berry".  She is Mande's dog and she loves squirrels.  I play jokes on her all day long and call out "squirrel" and she runs to the back door to look.  She doesn't know I'm a squirrel because I'm brown.  She even gives me sweet kisses like in this pic.  

We rode at the brewery with Mande's mom and some of her friends!  
I am learning a new trade while I am here.  Bike Mechanic.  
Lefty, Stephanie and Greg's dog, took me on a date to "Treehouse".  There were times when I thought he might have played a trick on me and actually wanted to eat me for dinner.  So I kept a close eye on him all night and he had to show me where his paws were at all times.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PC Beach or Bust!

After the taste of the Mazda Miata, I decided to take it on a road trip!  PC Beach baby!  Surely you have heard of it....Panama City??  I hear it's called the "Redneck Riveria".  And after buying this no good umbrella, I can see why.  I am SO sun burnt.  Maybe by tomorrow I'll be golden brown!  

Dinner at Nancy G's!

I got to see some other cool Med Plan girls!!  I held a meeting about race strategy and they were all ears!  
After the meeting, I ate some sweeeeeet potato fries!
Drank a little beer.  (Val was shocked at how much I can drink)

And Stephanie took me for one heck of a ride in the parking lot.  Donuts and all!  

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning Everyone!  I didn't make it outside too long.  So primitive out there.  I am much happier with a nice pillow and no bugs.  Mande woke me early for another latte!!

This afternoon I heard her talking about a ride tonight, so I jumped into my kit and hoped she would let me ride.  Best way to see Atlanta is on a bike!
She had to end up wearing the kit, but she put me in her back pocket and we rode like the wind!  Thanks to Catherine, she pulled most of the way so the guys wouldn't catch up.  I kept a close eye out and called out pot holes and "car back".  
These are two of my new riding buddies.  Joe and Rich. 
Just Kidding!!!!  I wanted people to think I was road kill....I'm such a jokester!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Good night!

I am going to try and sleep like other squirrels tonight.  Really get a taste for the city.  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.  Ciao!

My first Day in Atlanta!!

Today we drove around a good bit.  That's what Mande said people do here.  She even let me drive some on 17th street!  Exciting!  The thrill of traffic on the inside of the car is way better than dodging it on the outside.  

Then we went home and I surprised her with a little note from me...I'm so sweet.  Plus, I love my cycling team!  
The group ride was supposed to be "recovery" pace...but my legs are way too short to keep up.  And I can't really reach the handle bars.  
Mande let me ride her bike.  I liked it, but I was really missin' my steel bike.  Didn't have the heart to tell her.  And Val, I'll definitely take you up on those bike handling skills.  Someone called me "squirrely" tonight on the ride.  

Pizza at Fellinis and a 420.  Sweeeeeeet.  

Racing at Edgar Soto & Heading to Atlanta

This weekend was my team race in Nashville, TN.  My new friend Mande got to take me home until the next race.  She has been very good to me so far.  She lets me eat human food and drink my favorite water....Aqualibrium!

Yummy... This drink was called an iced latte.  Not sure what that was but whooooa was I energized!  All Strapped in and ready to go to Hotlanta.  

 My new friend Rickies.  Do cats and squirrels usually hang out together?

I slept great, woke up early and had another latte, this  And now I am ready to hit the streets with Mande.  We'll post more later.