Sunday, July 13, 2008

Georgia Games!!

It was a wet day for the Ga Games.  I had to leave after the Cat 4 Mens race because Mande was my ride and she was actually cold and wanted food and some dry clothes!  But... the Womens race was all good, thanks to me once again.  I didn't bring a ton of luck, no podiums, but the girls had no falls in the rain and they finished (somewhat) together almost.... :)

This is me playing some sweeeeet tunes during the warm-up.  

I have all kinds of great advice before a race!  

I like to try and get really close to the pedal stroke just to scare myself enough for a little adrenalin boost!

I needed it so I could gain some courage for the trix I perform on my BMX'er.

Bringing the girls in....for 4th and 5th place!  Team MedPlan has the best looking kits out there!!  No doubt!  


mo--- said...

congrats on a strong race! It really was a stellar team effort. :-)

Sadlebred said...

It looks like it was a wet but fun race. Way to go!!

Squirrel said...

Thank you! I have found that I am pretty good at toughing it through bad conditions! Val has helped so much with the bike handling skill lessons, it was no big deal when it poured during the race!