Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy 2009!

Let the season begin!  I was lucky enough to attend training camp with the MedPlan girls!  I talked a lot of strategy and was able to use my newly acquired coaching knowledge from the winter off.  I was also placed in a new home and she said she may want to help me update my blog so all the Squirrel groupies can stay current on my whereabouts.  Her name is Nancy Jones!!  See you all on the racing circuit!  

Monday, August 25, 2008


Molly was nice enough to inform me of this article about squirrel hunting season.  It has begun, let me repeat, it HAS begun in Tennessee already and they are touting it as a "relaxing and enjoyable" activity!  Please follow the link for more information:

Mr. Squirrel

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Namaste my good friends!

Namaste!  I am sorry I have not posted in a while.  After reading "Eat, Pray, Love" and making my own flute out of wood,  I was inspired to go to India and stay in an Ashram to learn another culture and freshen up my yoga skills.  I stayed there a couple weeks, then I came home via China and got to see Walsh and May play a few beach volleyball matches.  Besides the cheerleaders, my favorite part of the trip was learning how to kinesio tape my shoulder!  After injuring it learning to headstand, Walsh inspired me to tape up before trying it again!   

Even though I am male, I tried a "Bhindi" on my forehead to see if all the hype is true about how it helps with energy.  I recommend trying it in your next race.  

Look.  No hands!  This is a very advanced headstand...not to be bragadocious.  

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The bridge!

Squirrel was amazed with the Golden Gate bridge.  

Monday, July 28, 2008


Squirrel is in California for a couple days...and look what happens.  

This girl was "butchering" Whole Foods.  On Your Left!  We totally beat her to the register.  (See video in video bar)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A box, a plane, and 4 hours later....California!

Good morning from California!  I have a few pictures from yesterday to share from my trip out here!  I have never been on a plane before, and it was actually not too bad considering I had to sneak into the bike box.  When the department of homeland security opened the box I played dead and they didn't ask any questions.  Whew!!  

This is the box I came in...

California is supposedly wine country, so I perched myself on this tree and had a glass.  They chose a house with a bedroom for me...this tree on the porch!  How sweet!

They woke me up to morning coffee overlooking the Marin Hills.  Can't wait for this week to start!!!  

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Board (Squirrel & Bugsy) Meeting...

This is my new friend Bugsy!  We were both allowed to attend the family business meeting this past week... AND we sat at the head of the table!  Mande said that is part of the perks when you are in business with family who don't really care if a squirrel attends meetings or not.  I added a little blurb about "squirrel away" to see if they wanted to invest.  Bugsy was the only one to second the motion.